Troy Group Inc


Due Diligence Investigations

Due Diligence strengthens your confidence by confirming the integrity of potential business partners and companies involved in a business transaction. A due diligence investigation is an intensive information gathering process resulting in an accurate portrait of companies and individuals. A due diligence investigation can quickly and accurately assess risk, protect against and prevent actual or potential fraud, and guide informed business decisions. Due Diligence investigations are conducted for financial institutions, corporations, and law firms when they are considering the following:

  • Extending credit to a new or existing customer 
  • Completing a merger or acquisition 
  • Establishing new business partnerships 
  • Hiring a new executive 

Troy Group, Inc., a company with over fifteen years of experience in due diligence investigations, provides a cost effective, accurate, and objective due diligence report. A Troy Diligence Investigation includes: 

  • Analysis of publicly available records obtained through numerous databases 
  • A detailed accounting of significant findings, highlighting civil litigation, liens, judgments, and bankruptcies 
  • Information to assist in uncovering discrepancies, overstatements, and unrevealed facts 
  • Social Media Investigations 

In over 1200 due diligence investigations conducted in 2020:



of the investigations identified significant red flags.


of the due diligence investigations identified liens and judgements.



of the due diligence investigations identified suits involving financial institutions or government agencies.



of the due diligence investigations identified breach of contract suits filed in federal and county courts.

Other red flags included active litigation, RICO suits, fraud suits, criminal records, bankruptcies, OFAC Listings, Global Sanctions, PEP Listings, License Violations, and excess litigation.

Investigative Research

Troy Group, Inc. compares and analyzes data from numerous databases, which provide important information in due diligence investigations.  These databases, which access national information, providing the following: 

  • Civil Cases and Judgements
  • Criminal Cases
  • Bankruptcies 
  • Tax Liens
  • Uniform Commercial Code filings
  • Real and Personal Property and Property Loans
  • News Articles
  • OFAC Listings, Global Sanctions, and PEP listings
  • Professional License Issues

Asset Searches

Troy Group, Inc., provides individual and corporate asset searches to determine the economic viability of litigation, to identify and locate the assets of individuals or corporations who default on their financial responsibilities, and to track misappropriated assets in judgment recovery and debt collection cases. We also provide discreet field investigations.

Troy Group, Inc. provides an Asset Search Report with detailed financial information that includes:

  • Real property assets including properties held by the subject, properties recently sold, properties held in trust, and properties  held by related businesses, business partners, and family members 
  • Banking relationships as identified through UCC filings and property loans 

Fraud Investigations

Fraud is costly. Using internal resources can, and often does, compromise an investigation. Troy Group, Inc. provides a professionally executed and managed investigation, which is vital to a successful resolution. When fraud is suspected or known to have occurred, involving Troy Group, Inc. immediately will ensure the best possible outcome. 

Troy Group, Inc. launches investigations that involve: 

  • Providing litigation support and evidentiary documentation 
  • Locating witnesses 
  • Interviewing and obtaining witness statements 
  • Conducting surveillance 

Security Consultation

Understanding the methods used to commit and conceal fraud is key to prevention. Our fraud prevention and security consultation services provide awareness, discussion and guidance regarding: 

  • Determining when an investigation is appropriate and necessary 
  • Reacting to major frauds when they are uncovered 
  • Maximizing the likelihood of criminal prosecution 
  • Establishing company fraud policies and procedures 
  • Recovering stolen funds through restitution, forfeitures and civil litigation
  • Troy Group, Inc. is able to consult on your executive protection needs and determine what level of protection is necessary and then provide that protection discreetly and with comfort afforded to the executive

International Investigations

Troy Group, Inc. has established a global network of international affiliates and information sources. This has lead to successful investigations and due diligence investigations in Canada, Hong Kong, Europe, and South America. 

Loans made to foreign businesses and individuals are vulnerable to increased fraud and risk. Some factors to consider before making a loan include: 

  • Foreign laws and business customs 
  • Language barriers 
  • Currencies and the changing value of the dollar 
  • Unfamiliar foreign negotiable instruments used as collateral 
  • Variety of international public records available 

 Protect yourself with the international investigative reach of Troy Group, Inc. 


Any information Troy Group, Inc. obtains, including information acquired from publicly available sources, is kept strictly confidential and shared only with our requesting clientele. All investigations conform with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Gramm Leach Bliley Act, and applicable federal and state laws and regulations.